Today, we talk about Enhancing Motivation, Ability, and Opportunity to Process Public Relations Messages. Moreover, the example of this topic is TOYOTA WHY? we will talk about this company because of this brand very popular in Thailand most of Thai people use this brand. So, another country will use this brand also because very cheap, more quality and very comfortable to use.
First, the company will have plan to brainstorming about the Slogan or how to motivate the customers. Moreover, the company will think many times to find the best word for motivate and enhance the customer and products.
Second, The company always have a great way to do the advertising to promote the products So, the opportunities is a good thing when the company have to do the business. Whatever, company must do the best for the customer because the customers will support the company.
Third, TOYOTA have a slogan "Moving Forward" the company will thinking about the products will send the customer to forward or to their goal. Moreover, slogan is important because customer will believe in the brand and trust brand also.
Finally, this theory will teach everyone who read this blog HOW TO MOTIVATE, ABILITY, OPPORTUNITY when you have to do the business. So, this theory can applied to other company to adept for their business.
This video is TOYOTA anniversary 50 years (Thailand Songs)